MATCH OF THE ROUND: Doncaster Dragons defeat Melbourne Uni in A-res GF

Last Saturday saw a tight grand final fought out in the A-reserves between Melbourne Uni and Doncaster, with the Dragons taking the win and the flag 5-3.

After two scoreless innings Melbourne Uni opened their account with two runs crossing the plate in the third, which was quickly nullified by Doncaster plating two in the same dig.

The Dragons then added three more runs in the fourth, while Uni fought back in the fifth adding one, but couldn’t add-on any further.

Doncaster player and coach Tom Burgoine was ecstatic with his team’s victory.

“The guys all played excellently,” he said, paying kudos to his pitchers.

“John Britton pitched out of his skin all day, and Rhys Otter came in and closed out the game,” he said.

Burgoine also highlighted the offensive performance of first baseman Nick Barrington.

“Nick Barrington scored a 3 for 3 with about 4 RBIs, so the absolute star of the day was definitely Nick,” he said.

“It was a tight game, really good.”

While he had no notes for improvement in the game, Burgoine said his team definitely felt the Grand Final pressure.

“There was lots of pressure. We tried to teach the guys that it’s just another game, but it never is,” he said.

“It’s always good to come away with a win. I hope that we can bring it back for next year.”

Stay tuned for match of the round coverage each week for the rest of the season.

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